GRLevel3 Local Radar

NEXRAD Radar KRTX status: Data not recent [last data 2:09:44 h:m:s ago]
as of Thu, 13-Feb-2025 7:48am PST

Message date: Thu, 13-Feb-2025 6:10am PST
KRTK NEXRAD Radar is currently out of order due. We are working to get the issueresolved but there is no estimated time of operability. Thank you for your patience as we resolve the issue.==================

NWS WSR-88D Transmit/Receive Status

GRLevel3 radar images are not available at this time.

GR3 Legend

Active Storm Cells - KRTX Radar - Portland, Oregon

Radar Data Valid: 2025-02-13 13:38:40 GMT(Z) - Received @ Local Time: Thu, 13-Feb-2025 7:48am PST
( 0 ) Towns/Communities in or near the path of an Active Storm Cell


No Active Storm Cell(s) in Range of Radar Site

Graphic Table Created by: Scit Pro 2 Software
Radar Data Times Created by: Saratoga Templates - radar-status.php